GTA Online - After Hours DLC erscheint am 24. Juli

Diskutiere GTA Online - After Hours DLC erscheint am 24. Juli im GTA Forum Forum im Bereich Action & Adventure; DEMNÄCHST IN LOS SANTOS Das Nachtleben in Los Santos bekommt kapitalen Zuwachs. Dank der Bemühungen...


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Das Nachtleben in Los Santos bekommt kapitalen Zuwachs. Dank der Bemühungen eines bekannten, gut vernetzten und einigermaßen finanzkräftigen Sound-Impresarios wird im Juli die Underground-Dance-Club-Szene aufgemischt.

Weltklasse-DJs residieren in Kürze in Los Santos und bald werden Clubs und Lagerhallen in der ganzen Stadt mit Fans vollgepackt sein, die sich ekstatisch-verschwitzt den neuen Sets von Solomun, Tale Of Us, Dixon und The Black Madonna hingeben, während sie die ganze Nacht bis zum Morgengrauen durchtanzen.

Nachtclubs sind die perfekte Tarnung für jede andere Operation, die ihr möglicherweise nebenbei betreibt. Also steigt als Geschäftspartner ein, um ein brandneues Etablissement zu eröffnen und den DJs dabei zu helfen, ihre Shows zu den besten aller Zeiten zu machen. Kümmert euch um die Einrichtung, wählt das Design sowie die Angestellten eures Nachtclubs und vergesst nicht die Promotion eures neuen Unternehmens, denn je beliebter der Club, desto schneller füllt sich euer sicherer Wandtresor. Das Nachtclub-Business ist ehrliche Arbeit und ein redlicher Weg, die Einnahmen eurer schäbigeren Geschäfte mit Disruption Logistics, The Open Road, SecuroServ und Free Trade Shipping Co. so sauber aussehen zu lassen wie frisch gewaschene Wäsche.

Bald erfahrt ihr weitere Details, zum Beispiel wie ihr auf die Gästeliste kommen und exklusive Belohnungen erhalten könnt ...


Das Leben ist schön – sofern ihr auf der Liste steht. Der Champagner schmeckt süßer, die Musik klingt besser hinter dem Pult und es gibt uneingeschränkten Zugang zu allem, was man für eine gute Zeit in den heißesten Clubs in Los Santos braucht.

Kommt auf die Gästeliste und erhaltet Zugang zum Besten, was das Clubleben in LS zu bieten hat, sowie zu außerordentlichen Vorteilen für eure Unternehmen. Loggt euch zwischen dem 25. Juni und 2. Juli in GTA Online ein und ihr werdet automatisch auf die Gästeliste gesetzt. Als kleines Dankeschön dafür erhaltet ihr 300.000 GTA$ und den exklusiven orangen Drahtmodell-Bodysuit, wenn ihr euch zwischen dem 3. und 9. Juli erneut in GTA Online einloggt (die GTA$ werden bis spätestens 9. Juli auf euer Maze-Bank-Konto überwiesen).

Alle Spieler, die sich auf der Gästeliste befinden, erhalten später im Juli wöchentlich neue und exklusive Belohnungen, wenn sie sich in GTA Online einloggen:

Wöchentlicher Geldbonus zwischen 100.000 GTA$ und 350.000 GTA$
Exklusive Rabatte auf zukünftige Fahrzeuge wie den kraftvollen MTL Pounder Custom –
eine umfangreich modifizierbare Allzweckwaffe für lukrative Unternehmenslieferungen
Exklusive Designs für neue Fahrzeuge wie den Klassiker Ocelot Swinger
Neue Nachtclub-T-Shirts
…und vieles mehr.

Weitere Details zum demnächst erscheinenden GTA-Online-Update sowie Infos zu allen Gästelisten-Vorteilen und wöchentlichen Belohnungen folgen in Kürze.

Quelle: Social Club & Newswire

Weitere Guest List Infos Quelle: GTA Forums

Die nächsten Belohnungen wenn man auf der Gästeliste steht.

Your exclusive weekly Guest List Rewards are now available:
Cash Gift of GTA$100,000
Pink Wireframe Bodysuit (access via your Wardrobe or get it for free at any Los Santos clothing store)
Check back next week to claim your next Guest List Rewards.

Your exclusive weekly Guest List Rewards are now available:
Cash Gift of GTA$350,000
Maisonette Los Santos Tee
40% discount on the Maibatsu Mule Custom and MTL Pounder Custom
40% discount on Armor Upgrades for the Mule and Pounder Custom
Exclusive “For Queen and Country” livery for the Swinger
Exclusive “Pink & Green Camo” and “Sessanta Nove Multi-Color” liveries for the Speedo Custom, Mule Custom, and Pounder Custom
Check back next week to claim your next Guest List Rewards.

Your exclusive weekly Guest List Rewards are now available:
Cash Gift of GTA$100,000
Galaxy Tee
Exclusive “Oh Enus!” livery for the Enus Stafford
Exclusive “Pink & Green Camo” and “Sessanta Nove Multi-Color” liveries for the Mammoth Patriot Stretch
Check back next week to claim your next Guest List Rewards.

Your exclusive weekly Guest List Rewards are now available:
Cash Gift of GTA$100,000
Technologie Tee
Free HVY Nightshark armored vehicle
Free Übermacht Revolter weaponizable Sports Car
Exclusive “Pink & Camo” and “Sessanta Nova Multi-Color” liveries for the Nightshark and the Revolte
Thank you for joining the Guest List. Stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for more exclusive events coming to Los Santos.

Laut dem GTA Forum wird das DLC am Dienstag dem 17. Juli oder 24. Juli released vermutlich irgendwann zwischen halb 11 & halb 12 Vormittags unserer Zeit.

Ein paar Fahrzeuge stehen auch schon fest:

Maibatsu Mule Custom
MTL Pounder Custom
Ocelot Swinger
Speedo Custom
Enus Stafford
Mammoth Patriot Stretch
Terbyte (Hersteller unbekannt vermutlich Coil oder Pegassi)

Nur eine Vermutung!
Der Dinka Jester Classic (Toyota Supra) fehlt ja auch noch aus dem letzten/derzeitigen DLC.
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Aus irgendeinem Grund ließ sich der Threadname nicht ändern sondern nur die Überschrift.

Das DLC erscheint erst nächste oder übernächste Woche. Also am 24. oder 31. Juli.


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Endlich ist es offiziell bestätigt das DLC erscheint am 24. Juli und heißt After Hours.


Los Santos ist die Stadt der glänzenden Lichter, der langen Nächte und der schmutzigen Geheimnisse – und es wird nicht glänzender, länger oder schmutziger als in GTA Online: After Hours.

Schließt euch mit dem legendären Impresario Tony Prince zusammen, und eröffnet und betreibt einen hochkarätigen Nachtclub, in dem die Weltklasse-DJs Solomun, Tale Of Us, Dixon und The Black Madonna auftreten, und nutzt ihn als Fassade für das dichteste Netzwerk krimineller Unternehmen, das jemals San Andreas heimgesucht hat.

Die Party beginnt am 24. Juli.

Quelle: Social Club​


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pG In Your Face
schade dass nur noch dlc´s für gta online kommen und nicht für das normale offline spiel :(


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Soll mir recht sein ich habe im Singleplayer eh nur die Hauptstory durchgespielt, nicht einmal die Nebenmissionen habe ich gemacht. Habe im Singleplayer gerade mal 36 Stunden verbracht, und Online sind es mittlerweile über 3292 Stunden. :D

Der Doomsday Heist war ursprünglich für den Singleplayer geplant, dann haben sie sich aber um entschieden.

Wenigstens gibt es überhaupt noch neue Inhalte für dieses mittlerweile 5 Jahre alte Spiel.


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x Ak1504 x
schade dass nur noch dlc´s für gta online kommen und nicht für das normale offline spiel :(
Es pumpen eben zu viele Leute ihr Geld in GTA Online und kaufen GTA Dollar und solang die das tun und die Kassen füllen wird Rockstar weiterhin Content für GTAO bringen. Die Folgen davon kennen wir. Keine Singleplayer DLC und vor allem kommen kaum noch Spiele von Rockstar die jährlich oft sogar mehrere AAA Titel gebracht haben bis GTAO kam. Einfach zum brechen für Singleplayer Liebhaber das kaum noch Spiele kommen -.-

Und man kann sich einfach ausrechnen wie der RDR2 Online Mode aussehen wird. Wieder sehr hoher Grind das Spieler wieder schön Massenhaft Ingame Credits kaufen.

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Nightclubs do not replace existing businesses!

General misunderstanding: Your old businesses simply unlock the possibility for you to accrue (produce different kind of legal products out of thin air) in Nightclub based on active businesses you already own. And that is where the link currently between businesses and Nightclub ends (you are not selling or buying product/supplies(crates etc) to your old businesses. They simply need to be active in order for you to take advantage the passive money making Nightclub offers.

So far about accruing product in Nightclub (with equipment upgrade):

Printing & Copying (source: Forged documents) - accrue time: 15min, value: $1000, $4000/hour
Organic Produce (source: Weed) - accrue time: 20min, value: $1500, $4500/hour
Cash Creation (source: Cash) - accrue time 30min, value: $3500, $7000/hour
Sporting Goods (source: Bunker) - accrue time: 40min, value: $5000, $7500/hour
Pharmaceutical Research (source: Meth) - accrue time 60min, value: $8500, $8500/hour
Cargo and Shipments (source: Hangar?, Warehouse?) - accrue time: 70min, value: $10,000, $8570/hour
South American Imports (source: Coke) - accrue time 120min, value: $20000, $10,000/hour
As you can have maximum 5 technicians (one technician per type of goods) the maximum you can make in a hour while having most profitable businesses is $41,571/hour

Some additional notes:

NOTICE!!! You will be kicked for being idle after some time (time unknown (most probably 3 hours?) even not being AFK in the nightclub computer (i was monitoring goods accruing and got this message at one point). I was able to avoid the kick by depositing some money to my Waze-Bank account. Seems like looking into security monitors in Nightclub does not trigger this message
You get maximum $10,000 every 48 minutes based on your club popularity. You can pick up this money (cash) from Nightclub safe. It is totally separate from technicians.
The amount of maximum product depends on how many storage floors you have
Your business needs to be in production mode but can be without product and supplies.
You need to have only those businesses in production mode which you want to use with your Nightclub technicians
You do not have to be CEO/MC President in order your Nightclub to accrue goods
Accruing Nightclub goods does not affect how you sell or buy/steal your old businesses product/supplies. Nightclub simply takes advantage of you owning one of the old businesses and allows you make extra money on top of that (and goods names are changed in order for IRS to show legal stuff instead of "i sold cocaine").
Club promotion missions can be done in public solo lobby

Storage space:

Each floor of storage holds up to 72 pieces of goods (multiple following amounts with number of storage floors you have).
10 - Cargo and Shipments - total goods value: $100,000
2 - South American Imports - total goods value: $40,000
16 - Organic Produce - total goods value: $24,000
8 - Cash Creation - total goods value: $28,000
20 - Sporting Goods - total goods value: $100,000
4 - Pharmaceutical Research - total goods value: $34,000
12 - Printing & Copying - total goods value: $12,000


Tony will take around 8% cut from each sale
Goods price do not increase if you have more product
You can sell goods in three different ways:
Sell all goods of single type (for example all Sporting Goods, no matter how much you have them)
Sell special orders: Sell combination of three different goods (there are required amounts of different goods you need to have in order to be able to sell), seems to be giving around 5% boost compared to individual or all goods
Sell all accrued goods

Hier noch eine Google Übersetzung für die wo überhaupt kein Englisch verstehen. Ich bin zu Faul das von Hand zu machen.
Nachtclubs ersetzen keine bestehenden Geschäfte!

Allgemeines Missverständnis: Ihre alten Unternehmen eröffnen einfach die Möglichkeit, dass Sie im Nightclub auf der Grundlage aktiver Unternehmen, die Sie bereits besitzen, Geld verdienen (verschiedene Arten legaler Produkte aus dem Nichts produzieren). Und genau hier endet die Verbindung zwischen Unternehmen und Nightclub (Sie verkaufen oder kaufen keine Produkte / Zubehör (Kisten usw.) an Ihre alten Geschäfte, sondern müssen nur aktiv sein, damit Sie das passive Geld nutzen, das Nightclub-Angebote bietet .

Bisher über Produkt in Nightclub (mit Ausrüstung Upgrade):

Drucken & Kopieren (Quelle: Geschmiedete Dokumente) - Zeit: 15 Minuten, Wert: $ 1000, $ 4000 / Stunde
Bio-Produkte (Quelle: Unkraut) - fallen Zeit: 20 Minuten, Wert: $ 1500, $ 4500 / Stunde
Cash Creation (Quelle: Cash) - Zeit 30 Minuten, Wert: $ 3500, $ 7000 / Stunde
Sportartikel (Quelle: Bunker) - Zeit: 40 Minuten, Wert: $ 5000, $ 7500 / Stunde
Pharmazeutische Forschung (Quelle: Meth) - Zeit 60 Minuten, Wert: $ 8500, $ 8500 / Stunde
Fracht und Sendungen (Quelle: Hangar ?, Warehouse?) - Anfallenzeit: 70min, Wert: $ 10.000, $ 8570 / Stunde
Südamerikanische Importe (Quelle: Cola) - fallen Zeit 120min, Wert: $ 20000, $ 10.000 / Stunde
Da Sie maximal 5 Techniker (ein Techniker pro Warenart) haben können, ist das Maximum, das Sie in einer Stunde machen können, während Sie die profitabelsten Geschäfte haben, $ 41.571 / Stunde

Einige zusätzliche Hinweise:

BEACHTEN!!! Du wirst dafür getreten, dass du nach einiger Zeit untätig bist (Zeit unbekannt (höchstwahrscheinlich 3 Stunden?), Selbst wenn du nicht im Nachtclub-Computer AFK warst (ich überwachte Waren, die gesammelt wurden und bekam diese Nachricht zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt) indem ich etwas Geld auf meinem Waze-Bank-Konto deponiere, scheint es, als würde ich in Sicherheits-Monitore in Nightclub schauen, diese Nachricht nicht auslöst
Sie erhalten maximal $ 10.000 alle 48 Minuten basierend auf Ihrer Club-Popularität. Sie können dieses Geld (Bargeld) von Nightclub Safe abholen. Es ist völlig unabhängig von Technikern.
Die maximale Produktmenge hängt davon ab, wie viele Speicherböden Sie haben
Ihr Unternehmen muss im Produktionsmodus sein, kann aber ohne Produkte und Verbrauchsmaterialien auskommen.
Sie müssen nur diejenigen Unternehmen im Produktionsmodus haben, die Sie mit Ihren Nightclub-Technikern verwenden möchten
Sie müssen nicht CEO / MC President sein, damit Ihr Nightclub Waren beschafft
Anfallende Nachtklub-Waren haben keinen Einfluss darauf, wie Sie Ihr altes Unternehmensprodukt / -zubehör verkaufen oder kaufen / stehlen. Nachtclub nutzt einfach den Vorteil, dass Sie eines der alten Unternehmen besitzen und ermöglicht es Ihnen, zusätzlich Geld zu verdienen (und Warennamen werden geändert, damit IRS legales Zeugs anstelle von "ich verkaufe Kokain" zeigt).
Club-Promotion-Missionen können in der öffentlichen Solo-Lobby durchgeführt werden


Jede Lagerfläche fasst bis zu 72 Stück Güter (mehrere Folgebeträge mit der Anzahl der Lagerböden, die Sie haben).
10 - Fracht und Sendungen - Gesamtwert der Waren: 100.000 $
2 - südamerikanische Importe - Gesamtwert der Waren: 40.000 US-Dollar
16 - Bio-Produkte - Gesamtwert der Waren: 24.000 $
8 - Cash Creation - Gesamtwert der Waren: 28.000 $
20 - Sportartikel - Gesamtwert der Waren: 100.000 US-Dollar
4 - Pharmazeutische Forschung - Gesamtwert der Waren: 34.000 US-Dollar
12 - Drucken & Kopieren - Gesamtwert der Waren: 12.000 $


Tony wird bei jedem Verkauf rund 8% sparen
Der Warenpreis steigt nicht, wenn Sie mehr Produkte haben
Sie können Waren auf drei verschiedene Arten verkaufen:
Verkaufe alle Waren eines bestimmten Typs (zum Beispiel alle Sportartikel, egal wie viel du hast)
Verkaufe Sonderbestellungen: Kombiniere drei verschiedene Waren (es gibt die benötigten Mengen an verschiedenen Waren, die du haben musst, um verkaufen zu können), es gibt im Vergleich zu einzelnen oder allen Waren einen Aufschlag von ca. 5%
Alle aufgelaufenen Waren verkaufen

Quelle: GTAForums
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New Content – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Nightclub properties have been added to GTA Online
Nightclubs are a way for players to make legitimate income in GTA Online but also act as a Hub for players’ other illegal businesses that they already own via the expandable Nightclub Warehouse underneath. The Nightclub can be customized with a choice of Nightclub Style and Nightclub Name – optional add-ons such as a Light Rig, Storage, Dancers and Dry Ice are also available. Players can purchase a Nightclub from the Maze Bank Foreclosures website from a selection of 10 locations
Business Battles have been added to GTA Online
Business Battles are Freemode Missions that launch every 15 minutes in public Freemode sessions, pitting players in head to head battles over large drops of Business goods
Over 250 new items of clothing for male and female characters have been added to GTA Online
Seven new vehicles have been added to GTA Online:
Mammoth Patriot Stretch
Ocelot Swinger
Dinka Jester Classic
Festival Bus
MTL Pounder Custom
Maibatsu Mule Custom
Vapid Speedo Custom
New Features / Updates - PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Eight new player actions have been added to GTA Online
One new walking style has been added to GTA Online
Eight new awards have been added to GTA Online
Players can now change their player action without having to go into the Interaction Menu. This can be done by performing an action and then pressing L1/LB to go back an action, and R1/RB to go forward an action (press / press and hold Caps Lock on PC)
Special vehicles with flight functionality (boost, glide or hover) will now be detected by the Air Defense system of the Galaxy Super Yacht
Players now receive Adversary Mode invites from Martin Madrazo every 25 minutes in Freemode
Outfit selection is no longer present in Jobs with over 16 players
The Hotring Races Circuit Series has been renamed to “San Andreas Super Sport Series”
Changes have been made to the locations of the San Andreas Super Sport Series triggers in GTA Online Freemode
A new ‘Audio Track’ option has been added to the Race Creator
The ‘Forced Weapon’ option in the Deathmatch Creator > Team Details Menu has been renamed to ‘Team Forced Weapon’
Rockstar Editor Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Fixed an issue with the Mammoth Avenger’s turret view rendering the world in low quality when playing back previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips
Fixed an issue with burst vehicle tires sometimes rendering incorrectly when playing back previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips
Fixed an issue with the hood of the Weeny Issi Classic disappearing after being damaged when playing back previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips
Fixed issues with incorrect weapon positioning of several turreted vehicles when playing back previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips
Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Switch Camera’ option to not be present
Fixed an issue that resulted in checkpoints incorrectly changing to ‘Seat Swap’ checkpoints
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to exit the ‘Props’ Menu
Fixed an issue that resulted in ‘Team Start Points’ and ‘Spawn Points’ to not work correctly
Fixed an issue that caused players to fall through the world when manually respawning in a published Race
Fixed issues that resulted in multiple vehicles being missing from the available vehicles
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to set the Double Action Revolver as a forced weapon
Fixed an issue that meant players could be killed in test mode
Fixed an issue that caused the Blimp prop text to flicker
Fixed issues with prop placement in water
Fixed an issue that resulted in players recorded paths being incorrectly deleted
Fixed an issue that resulted in the button prompts to toggle vehicle modes not functioning
Fixed an issue that caused the path recording path to not change color or drop any nodes
Fixed frame rate issues with the Target Assault Creator
Fixed an issue that resulted in the flashlight not being available in the Creator
Fixed an issue that resulted in the path drawing not clearing up correctly
Fixed issues with helmets in the Deathmatch Creator
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being told when they had exceeded the limit of path nodes
Fixed an issue that meant players could incorrectly set the maximum players to an odd number
Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to select transform checkpoints while placing checkpoints on water
Fixed an issue that caused the Police Barrier Prop to turn into the Construction Fence Prop
Fixed issues with trigger snapping
Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Forced Weapon’ setting not appearing
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning at the wrong team start points at the start of the published Job
Fixed issues that caused the Blonded radio station to not be selectable in the ‘Lobby Radio’ option
Fixed an issue that meant players could only set 2 team start points
Fixed an issue that meant the 'Change Race Type' option would not be present in the Creator
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Transform Vehicle list missing
Fixed issues with the wheels of vehicles clipping with the ground after being placed
Fixed help text issues with the 'Cycle Items' Menu
Fixed an issue that meant players are unable to set the maximum amount of team respawn points
Fixed issues with the UI in the middle of orientation checkpoints
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Buckingham Swift having no livery options available
Fixed an issue that resulted in the checkpoint type changing to primary from secondary after being placed
Fixed an issue that caused checkpoints to visibly pop
Fixed an issue that caused the vehicles to be missing when placing a grid
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being placed in the wrong vehicle when testing a Race
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly told that the selected prop is too far away from other props in the template
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to place more than one vehicle while in the ‘Team Restrictions’ Menu
Fixed an issue that resulted in a “Completed” screen appearing while testing a Deathmatch
Fixed issues with ‘Incorrect Maximum Players’ UI
Fixed issues with ‘Team Start Points’ UI
Fixed an issue that caused vehicle lights to turn on and off switching between the primary and secondary path type
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving points from shooting targets in UGC Target Assault Races
Fixed an issue that caused players’ UGC Stunt Races to have their laps incorrectly capped
Fixed an issue that resulted in warp checkpoint destinations to be considered invalid after testing your UGC Race
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Double Action Revolver to reset to the pistol upon publishing your UGC Job
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly forced on a Blazer Aqua in an UGC Oppressor Race
Fixed an issue that resulted in the vehicles in players’ old UGC to be damaged and smoking upon editing
Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing other players’ character as their own in UGC Race lobbies
Fixed issues with players spawning into each other at the start of UGC Deathmatches
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to publish their content
Fixed an issue that meant players could incorrectly publish an untested Job
General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

The following Freemode Challenges no longer trigger:
Melee Kills Challenge
Drive-by Kills Challenge
The following Freemode Events no longer trigger:
Kill List Competitive
Moving Targets
Dead Drop
The following Freemode Events no longer trigger for a limited time:
Penned In
Kill List
Hold the Wheel
King of the Castle
Hot Property
Hunt the Beast
Criminal Damage
Fixed an issue that prevented the front-mounted guns of the HVY Nightshark from extending properly when selected
Fixed issues with the Akula helicopter that were preventing the co-pilot turret and rear passenger cameras from functioning correctly
Fixed issues with the turret weapon of the Nagasaki Ultralight not rotating correctly
Fixed pricing issues with the proximity mine mod for various weaponized vehicles
Fixed an issue that resulted in the left headlight on the Vapid Flash GT to be inverted
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Heist progress not saving
Fixed an issue that resulted in Heist payouts not behaving correctly
Fixed an issue in the Vehicle Cargo Mission – Cargobob that caused the barge that the mission objective vehicles sits on to fill with water and cause the mission to Fail
Fixed an issue that allowed the Mammoth Avenger’s weapons to be used inside the Yacht’s defence zone
Fixed an issue that caused vehicle health pick-ups to not work as intended in GTA Races
Fixed an issue that caused removed Freemode Events to still appear in the Interaction Menu after being hidden with the Hide Option
Fixed an issue that resulted in the amount of a players’ sniper ammo to be incorrect
Fixed an issue that resulted in Business Defend Missions to not launch when intended
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving invites while in Story Mode
Fixed an issue that resulted in players appearing under water after delivering the objective to their Facility at the Land Act Reservoir
Fixed issues with players’ Personal Vehicles not appearing / appearing incorrectly after being requested
Fixed issues with Personal Vehicles spawning outside Facilities
Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after starting a Resupply Mission
Fixed subtitle issues for the Facility intro cutscene
Fixed an issue that resulted in passengers of the Mammoth Avenger to lose functionality
Fixed an issue that resulted players accepting invites to incorrectly appear inside the inviting player’s Facility
Fixed multiple issues that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen in GTA Online
Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after attempting to stand up from the Office sofa
Fixed inconsistencies with the number of laps that can be set in Hotring Races
Fixed issues that resulted in players losing functionality or getting stuck after trying to enter/exit or move position inside the Mammoth Avenger
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck between consoles in the Mammoth Avenger
Fixed an issue that caused the Mammoth Avenger weapons to no longer be visible after upgrading
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being warped to a different location after their Mammoth Avenger was destroyed while in autopilot
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to engage/disengage the Mammoth Avenger autopilot
Fixed issues with players being busted while in the Mammoth Avengers’ pilot seat
Fixed issues that resulted in players losing functionality or getting stuck after trying to enter/exit or move position inside the MOC
Fixed issues that meant players were unable to enter their Facility
Fixed issues with the positioning of various Freemode Job triggers
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning in places other than what they had chosen as their spawn location
Fixed minor model, livery, and modification issues on the following vehicles:
Annis Savestra
Benefactor Streiter
Buckingham Nimbus
Canis Kamacho
Grotti Visione
Karin 190z
Överflöd Entity XXR
Pfister Comet Safari
RUNE Cheburek
Übermacht Revolter
Vapid Dominator GTX
Vapid GB200
Vapid Riata
V-65 Molotok
Fixed an issue that prevented certain map legend entries from being selectable on the Pause Menu Map
Fixed an issue that caused the windscreen of the Ocelot Stromberg to disappear when hit with an explosion, despite resistance to explosives
Fixed an incorrect font size that appeared on some Organization alert messages
Fixed an issue where cowering Mission NPCs may get stuck and not correctly follow the player’s group to continue the Mission
Fixed an issue that may have caused another player to be briefly seen standing on the track when respawning during Race Jobs
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect vehicle audio to be heard when observing another player’s vehicle
Fixed a small delay in visual effects when shooting out the headlights / glass of another player’s vehicle
Fixed an issue with rappelling from a helicopter that could show other players in the session stuck playing the rappel animation
Fixed a lighting issue that may occur with enemies on the submarine during The Bogdan Problem Mission
Fixed an issue that may have caused a dead player to exit a wrecked vehicle after being blown up
Fixed an issue that may have set the wrong location for Mission targets when using the Quick GPS functionality of the Personal Interaction Menu
Fixed an issue that could have prevented some players from being able to leave the HVY Insurgent Pick-Up when fully occupied
Fixed an issue that resulted in certain liveries to not be available for various vehicles
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no functionality after playing the Race – Mall or Nothing in the GTA Online Tutorial
Fixed issues with insurance claims for Weaponized Vehicles
Fixed issues with friends spectating while the player being spectated is inside their Facility
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to use the Mammoth Avenger’s guns while in the Freemode Event – Penned In
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Mammoth Avengers not being returned to their Facility after choosing to ‘Return to Storage’
Fixed issues with ‘Exit All’ option when leaving Facilities
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning incorrectly after being inside a Facility that was traded in
Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality when entering the Facility
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly removed from the MOC
Fixed an issue that resulted in the leaving Facility in Mammoth Avenger cutscene to incorrectly trigger
Fixed issues with the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack UI and functionality
Fixed issues with Night and Thermal Vision
Fixed issues with button prompts for using weapons in multiple vehicles
Fixed checkpoint issues in multiple Races
Fixed issues with new item stars in Menus
Fixed an issue that caused the Target Assault Series blips to show as hidden after choosing to hide the Hotring Series blips
Fixed an issue that resulted in the MOC to be blipped as “(null)” in the Pause Menu map
Fixed an issue that resulted in players in an Organization incorrectly having access to the Relaxed riding style
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the map when entering another player’s Facility
Fixed issues with player positioning in the Adversary Mode – Target Assault
Fixed issues with the leaderboard when spectating during the Adversary Mode – Target Assault
Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – Target Assault that caused players to spawn in incorrect vehicles
Fixed radio issues in the Adversary Mode – Target Assault
Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – Tiny Racers that caused the mode to not progress through rounds
Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – The Vespucci Job that resulted in players being unable to move at the start
Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – The Vespucci Job that resulted in the Runner driving the wrong car
Fixed help text issues in the Adversary Mode – The Vespucci Job
Fixed outfit issues in the Adversary Mode – The Vespucci Job
Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – Hard Target that resulted in players incorrectly being the hard target twice in a row
Fixed SFX issues in the Adversary Mode – Hard Target
Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – Running Back that resulted in players’ vehicles being changed after respawning
Fixed issues with the score in the Adversary Mode – Trap Door
Fixed Personal Vehicle spawning issues in Heists
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ platform IDs not appearing correctly in Heist lobbies
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Facility Heist Planning Room doors being locked
Fixed multiple issues with the Facility Heist planning screen
Fixed issues with text display on the Doomsday Heist planning board that occurred with some languages
Fixed an issue that resulted in players still having Mission Objective as an option in the Quick GPS after completing a Heist
Fixed issues with enemy aggression in the Heist – The Data Breaches: Dead Courier
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Data Breaches: Morgue where the Savage would destroy itself when landing
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Data Breaches: Signal Intercepts that resulted in the custom Deluxos players made in the previous Mission to not be present
Fixed issues with button prompts in the Heist – The Data Breaches: Server Farm
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Bogdan Problem: Finale that caused the Mammoth Avenger Services in the Interaction Menu to not work correctly
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Bogdan Problem: Finale that caused the enemy helicopters to visibly spawn on the beach and explode
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Bogdan Problem: Riot Control Van that resulted in passenger players to incorrectly see the on-screen prompt "Press circle to toggle focus"
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Bogdan Problem: Avenger that resulted in players spawning under the map after dying
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Bogdan Problem: Avenger that caused the Mission to incorrectly fail
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Bogdan Problem: Avenger that caused the flashlight to turn on when turning on the generator
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Doomsday Scenario: Finale where players would fall through the map after watching the mid-Mission cutscene
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Doomsday Scenario: Flight Path that caused the enemy target to stop walking
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Doomsday Scenario: Rescue Agent 14 that resulted in players moving across the room when attempting to take cover
Fixed cutscene inconsistencies with The Doomsday Scenario Heist
Fixed an issue in the Heist – The Doomsday Scenario: Finale that resulted in the Mammoth Avenger blip constantly changing color
Fixed issues with the doors during the cutscene in the Heist – The Doomsday Scenario: Finale
Fixed plane audio issues in the Heist – The Doomsday Scenario: Rescue Agent 14
Fixed an issue in the Heist – Prison Break: Station that caused players to fall through the map after the first cutscene
Fixed an issue in the Heist – Pacific Standard: Signal that caused Avi Schwartzman to fall through the boat
Fixed an issue in the Heist – Pacific Standard: Finale that caused the doors of the bank to not open
Fixed an issue in the Race – Water Slide that resulted in players starting the Race with their wheels up despite the Race starting on land
Fixed an issue that resulted in players performing the swimming animation when entering the Facility
Fixed an issue that caused the Facility interior to be missing
Fixed an issue that resulted in First Person not functioning in Sedan or SUV Races
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to toggle the catch-up option in some Issi Races
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ characters looking different after swapping to the character in slot 2 then back
Fixed issues with player hand positioning on the Mammoth Avenger weapons
Fixed clipping issues with chairs inside the Mammoth Avenger
Fixed an issue that resulted in players retaining their rebreather/mask from the scuba gear when entering the Thruster
Fixed an issue that resulted in players hearing no Mammoth Avenger propeller audio
Fixed an issue that caused player’s Mammoth Avengers to change color the first time they enter it
Fixed an issue that meant players could send a Strike Team after someone in the movies
Fixed issues with sitting animations in the Mammoth Avenger
Fixed Crew emblem issues in the Facility
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ scuba outfit appearing incorrectly
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having the headlight vehicle remote function during Hotring Races despite the vehicle having no headlights
Fixed issues with the Sea Sparrow blip
Fixed an issue that resulted in radio stations changing once a Race begins
Fixed naming issues with the fender mods for the Lampadati Michelli GT
Fixed clipping issues with body armor and Classic Racing Suits
Fixed incorrect text issues when retiring as a CEO
Fixed issues with players’ characters fading in and out when leaving an Office
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly shown the message “Defense settings are disabled during Missions”
Fixed UI issues with picking up snacks
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ hair color changing when changing outfits in a lobby
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not having the mechanic in their contacts
Fixed an issue that resulted in the players’ vehicle hoods opening after driving into the MOC
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Barrage vanishing when inside the Mammoth Avenger
General / Miscellaneous – PS4 Only

Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after accepting an invite to GTA Online from the PS4 home screen
General / Miscellaneous – PC Only

Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving Race payouts after using mouse steering
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to trade in Biker Businesses
Fixed incorrect help text being displayed for the TM-02 Khanjali when using a keyboard and mouse

GTA Online - After Hours DLC erscheint am 24. Juli

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